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About Tarot

The tarot is a specialised set of cards with a long history. A tarot deck is similar to an ordinary pack of playing cards. They both have four suits, playing cards having spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs, and toraot having swords, pentacles, wands and cups. The suited cards in the tarot deck are known as the Minor Arcana. Unlike an ordinary pack of cards, each suit has four court cards rather than three: King, Queen Knight and Page, making 56 cards in the Minor Arcana.

In addition to the 56 Minor Arcana the tarot deck has 22 'extra' cards. These are known as the Major Arcana. These don't belong to any suit, but have their own numbers (except from the fool). They also have a symbolic image and title.

When reading the cards each interpretation to a the cards aere divided into upright and reversed meaning showing positive and negative effects of the card.

Using Tarot
To begin with you must first become familiar with your cards. Get to know them and the pictures. Shuffle them a lot. Many people like to wrap them in a cloth or put them in a wooden box. The important thing is to remember that the cards are yours alone and should be special to you. Once the cards have began the process of being personalised you can practice reading them.

There are many different ways to read tarot and many diffent spreads. Use the one which you are most comfortable with.