The Enlighted Friends Centre
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Welcome to
The Enlighted Friends Centre

Here at the Enlighted Friends Centre we strive to widen everyones knowledge on spiritual matters. To discuss spirit, spiritualism, tarot anything on these lines and to educate each other. We are all learning.

This site is dedicated to helping people on their spiritual pathways. Here love is shared as well as knowledge. Anything can be discussed and shared as long as it remains spiritual and friendly.

Enjoy the site. Look around and have fun. Hopefully we can all develop great friendships.

The Same Difference
"They are different," you said,
"They are nothing like us,
For their creed and faith's not the same."
But the truth is, I know,
That if we all love God,
There is no need to give love a name.

If we're rich, or we're poor,
If we label ourselves,
Middle class, upper class or some such,
When we take off our clothes,
Or we kneel down in prayer,
Any difference you'll see isn't much.

For we're all sons of God,
And we know God is love,
We're related, our name is the same,
So whatever religion,
No label I need,
For we play the identical game.

As our 'Father' is God,
He's your father and mine,
Then our love doesn't need name or place,
For we are but a spark,
Of God's love so divine,
One religion, one colour, one race.

Chrissy Greenslade, 'Rainbow of Life'

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